Functional testing

We carry out a full functional testing process that allows to assess software or system operation as it was designed. The scope of the tests includes business requirements specifications, epics, user stories, use cases, or functional specifications. In the absence of such studies or other documentation, we perform the so-called exploratory testing based on UI or code analysis. The coverage of the functional test plan is always agreed with the client.

We operate comprehensively in order to achieve a rapid increase in the quality of applications and systems. We select methods and types of tests that will suit best in a given case.

We have a whole arsenal of solutions that allow to:

  • implement acceptance tests, UAT support and filling competency gaps in your team
  • create and provide for you dedicated test environments
  • support for the testing process and training of „non-technical” employees, struggling with the need to accept applications and systems
  • ongoing reporting and error or bugs response
  • create test documentation and test cases in an understandable and clear form also for „non-technical” employees



We analyze your requirements. We strive to get to know the system, architecture, technology and goals you want to achieve with the software or devices you create. We offer a free introductory meeting with our experts.


We estimate the scope and cost of the work, select the appropriate testing method, test team and environment. We send you a quote.


The client confirms the scope of work and accepts the quote.


Testing activities preparation and sign of a contract.


Tests and ongoing reporting.

Need tests?

Each inquiry is priced individually depending on the demand and different expert competences that may be required.

Contact us