Test automation

Published: May 2022

Automation - it is a process of relieving or completely limiting human manual, as well as mental, work using scripts that perform repeated activities automatically.


Why automate tests?

For the development team it means shortening time waiting for testing the software scope and the ability to perform the tests by the team without having to wait for the work to be done by the quality team.

For a test or quality team it means reducing the workload and being able to focus on additional areas of a given system or on other projects within the company. Automation also allows for build QA processes based on the certainty that a given test scope has been performed and reporting which gives possibility of analyzing the results with historical data.

For the maintenance team it means reducing the risks associated with handling errors or bugs in a commercially running production environment. Thanks to well-designed and implemented automation, we can be sure that the errors reported by the user relate to the scope not tested and not covered by automation. In case of doubt, you can always run any number of test runs "on request", which significantly reduces the diagnosis and repair time.

For sales teams the implemented automation provides additional arguments confirming the quality of the offered products and solutions and ensuring the possibility of meeting the quality requirements of customers - in particular on the public market. The use of scenarios designed for automation often allows for easy and quick preparation of instructional and activation materials for system users.

Need tests?

Each inquiry is priced individually depending on the demand and different expert competences that may be required.

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